

Cleaning compressed gas on satellite platforms.

The marvellous machine

Offshore oil rigs rely on compressed hydrocarbon gas for their operation – but moisture, particulates or oil in the gas can cause huge damage, downtime and inefficiency in downstream equipment.

This was the challenge faced by Malaysian oil and gas company PETRONAS. The team wanted to ensure that the gas on its unmanned satellite platforms was cleaned and conditioned – safely and reliably...

The marvellous solution

The scale of oil and gas machinery demanded our expertise in filtration – and the result was a unique prototype. Adapting our existing F22 stainless steel filter with a coalescing element, we devised a new filter element that allows high flow with minimal pressure drop – the F22H.

Find out more about our expertise in the Energy industry.

Left Hand Brewing

The space-saving IVAC pneumatic cylinder cleverly integrates valves, switches and controls.

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Sandvik Mining

Buschjost valves are the defining factor in Sandvik’s ability to keep its dust collectors running safely and efficiently.

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